Talk About Specialized
Each type of fruit, vegetable or herb has its own specific post-harvest handling and packaging requirements based on its plant pathology and physiology profile and packing conditions from farm to destination. StePac meets those needs around the world. Daily.
Each Produce Type Has Its Own Packaging Story
To determine the right packaging and post-harvest handling protocol for each type of produce, we ask you about:
☑ Produce type
☑ Produce weight
☑ Automated or manual packing
☑ Carton or package measurements
☑ Carton ventilation
☑ Current post-harvest handling practices from harvest to packaging house to shipment
☑ Supply chain conditions from packing house to final destination
☑ Current problems you encounter
☑ Origin of produce
☑ Destination market requirements and conditions
Which Fresh Produce Do You Need Packaged?
Search our produce catalog for your produce type and read all about our suitable MA/MH (modified atmosphere/modified humidity) packaging products and handling protocols. Choose your category here:
Fruit Vegetable Herb
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